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Indian Excellency Award - Priyanshi Parida

Indian Excellency Award - Priyanshi Parida

Set By : Priyanshi Parida

Ganjam, Odisha
Fifth Day of August, 2022

Indian Excellency Award


Priyanshi Parida

On this Fifth Day of August, 2022

Special Recognition and Commendations are conveyed to Priyanshi Parida, who has achieved amazing feats memorized, performed and achieved at a young age of 3 Years 5 Months, with hands-on multiple learning activities, appreciated for her unparalleled mastery with versatile knowledge and her cognitive skills to become a Renaissance Polymath-A child of wide knowledge or learning in terms of reading and writing A to Z [Capital and Small], Fill in the Blanks, Choose Small Letter etc.., to inspire, motivate and encourage.

Indian Book of Records, honoured Priyanshi Parida, with “Indian Excellency Award’’, from Ganjam, Odisha and adjudicated by Dr. GVNRSSS Vara Prasad, Advocate, Supreme Court of India, at Hyderabad, Telangana, India.