A noble project of national interest that compliments all the indians

Anish Nagasai SP - Indian Record Holder

Anish Nagasai SP - Indian Record Holder

Set By : Anish Nagasai SP

UAE    Fifteenth Day of June 2021

Indian Record
Anish Nagasai SP
On this Fifteenth Day of June 2021
Special Recognition and Commendations are conveyed to Anish Nagasai SP, the First youngest Indian to perform amazing feat’s at the young age of 13 years with hands-on multiple learning activities and creating a new record. We appreciate and award with Indian Record in terms of solving 21 Unique cubes of all levels such as 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, Twist, Cylinder, Ivy, Skewb, Windmill, Fisher, Gear, 2x2 & 3x3 Megaminx, Mirror, Barrel, Fidget-spinner cube and many more while Spinning & Balancing on a Smart Wheel, To inspire, motivate and encourage.
Anish Nagasai SP from UAE is honored with “INDIAN RECORD” and adjudicated by Dr.GVNRSS Vara Prasad, Advocate, Supreme Court of India, at Hyderabad, Telangana, India.