A noble project of national interest that compliments all the indians

Largest number of portraits painted are 4200 in numbers each measures 4 X 5 Cm in just 50 days

Largest number of portraits painted are 4200 in numbers each measures 4 X 5 Cm in just 50 days

Set By : Sangeeta Chutia

Dibrugarh, Assam    October, 2020

Special Recognition and Commendations are conveyed to Sangeeta Chutia for the Largest number of portraits painted are 4200 in numbers each measures 4 X 5 Cm in just 50 days (27.06.2020 to 15.08.2020), representing Maps, Animals, Plants and Flags of different countries, etc.., had been appreciated for her arts to inspire, motivate and encourage.
Sangeeta Chutia achieved a new Indian Record from Dibrugarh, Assam, and adjudicated by Dr.GVNRSSS Vara Prasad, Advocate, Supreme Court of India, at Hyderabad, Telangana, India.