Set By : has the largest online database that is open to all 24X7. It currently has a database of 90,000 voluntary blood donors. No other website provides information about such a large number of voluntary blood donors without a middleman. Open domain benefits more people. The database of f2s is utilized by all blood banks in the country.
Friends to Support Organisation does not believe in maintaining secrecy if the donor is willing to display his/her contact information for the benefit of the people. It does not run any blood bank and no large institution monopolises its database.
"Friends2support" is an organization that brings voluntary blood donors and those in need of blood on to a common platform. Through, they seek donors who are willing to donate blood, as well as provide the timeliest support to those in frantic need of it.
Started in the year 2005, on 14th Nov, in a small room with just 100 voluntary donors but with the zeal to serve our society, to inspire and spread the word, they dreamed to fulfill 100% blood need in India.
"Friends2support" also works to provide educational support to brilliant students who have discontinued their studies because of unfortunate circumstances.