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Major Dr. B.V. RamKumar - Illuminator of Ability Award

Major Dr. B.V. RamKumar - Illuminator of Ability Award

Set By : Major Dr. B.V. Ram Kumar

Secunderabad    Twenty Fourth Day of February, 2025

Illuminator of Ability Award
Major Dr. B.V. Ram Kumar
On this Twenty Fourth Day of February, 2025
A thunderous ovation is bestowed upon Major Dr. B.V. Ram Kumar, Director, IEPID, a trailblazing force in empowering Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (Divyangjan).With an illustrious more than two decades journey across health, social, and developmental domains, he has been the architect behind ground breaking initiatives, and the pioneering in design and development of NIEPID Indian Test of Intelligence. His relentless pursuit of transformative change has propelled NIEPID into uncharted frontiers of disability research, rehabilitation, and policy innovation, ushering in revolutionary therapeutic interventions, robust family support frameworks, and expansive capacity-building endeavors.
A catalyst for nationwide reform, his stewardship has ignited countless CRE programs and mass awareness movements, championing inclusive progress. Honored with the prestigious Senator Francis A.Wong Leadership Award, USA(2011),his indelible impact redefines possibility. In profound recognition, Indian Book of Records presents him with the "Illuminator of Ability Award", adjudicated by Dr.Menakshi, Dr.Pavani & Dr.Swarna Sri, at Secunderabad, Telangana, India.